“Should You Break Up with Me?”

The subject line “Should You Break Up with Me?” caught my eye as I scanned through my emails. What could this possibly be? I recognized the sender and realized it was from an email subscription I signed up for some time ago, but haven’t really looked at any emails in the past few months.

Did they send me a break-up letter? A Dear John note?

Now that my interest was piqued, I opened up the email to find a love letter of sorts. They wanted to let me know that they’ve noticed that I haven’t opened an email in a very long time, and they were wondering if we should officially break up. Say what?

There were a few more words about what I’ve been missing and how they would love for me to stay. So, instead of offering an opt-out, I was offered an opt-in. Brilliant!

They got me to open the email and read it.

This message was a prime example of how email has been reinvented and redefined. This trend of sending to only subscribers that engage with your emails is growing in popularity and is being taken seriously. Email is no longer about the quantity, but all about the quality. Relevancy equals results in the email world.

It is true that I’ll go cold on a few communications that seem to not engage me at the moment. Especially, when the topics may not resonate with me any longer, or I simply have other things going on in my life, and the emails fell off the radar.

Coupons, love ‘em! New products, sales, and similar interest? Yes, please! I sometimes find myself opening these emails simply to remain on their lists. Even though I do not have a need for the items at the moment.

Email has become so evolved in a manner that it’s truly targeted towards customers on a personal level. When my name is used, along with other personal aspects like my birthday, it really feels like I’m appreciated as an individual with individual tastes. Consumers are much more likely to respond to messages that are meaningful to them.

So, perhaps it was an opportunity to avoid the famous “It’s not you, it’s me” line or the slight sting of rejection, but you’ll be happy to know that I resubscribed to the email list and plan to engage more. This was a relationship I didn’t want to leave, and their clever subject line and email allowed me to re-engage.

Written by AccuData Integrated Marketing

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