Reach Current & Prospective Customers via Facebook Advertising

Privacy-Compliant, Custom Audience Targeting

Trust the experts at AccuData for privacy-compliant, custom audience targeting for marketing & advertising on Facebook. AccuData offers full creative services for ad development, imagery, and copy, or can assist in launching or optimizing your pre-built campaign.

Our team provides end-to-end management of Facebook campaigns for targeting:

  • Your current customers
  • Lookalike audiences based on your ideal customer profiles
  • Custom audiences based on demographic, behavioral, and lifestyle information such as age, income, interests, personality data, in-purchase indicators, and more

Partner with AccuData:
For performance. We offer unrivaled access to the nation’s best consumer and business data.

For privacy compliance. We use only the industry’s most trusted sources; we perform stringent verification processes; and we adhere to all ANA guidelines.

Stop wasting your social media marketing budget on boosted posts or mistargeted posts. Getting started with AccuData is easy.

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